Friday 13 January 2017

Tinkering with ..... Battlefront Iranian Chieftains


Yet more Chieftains! Iranian reinforcements!

Following up on the ArmiesArmy Chieftains, I now have a load of BF plastic Chieftains and am most impressed, generally....



The pros.... 
  • plastic format allows loads of conversion potential, 
  • excellent detail, 
  • nice crew set, 
  • separate track guards.  
The cons...

  •  ( just my opinion) the turret front angles need sanding over as they have too prominent an angle, 
  • the smoke dischargers are awful. 
  • Only one hatch open

The plastic format allows me to depict some very tired and abused vehicles as seen in reference photos of the Iran Iraq war. The mods so far...

  • Removed all smoke dischargers ( am making new ones)
  • Filed the turret fronts to remove the pronounced angle 
  • Opened up some additional hatches
  • Added crew, so far just from bits box, but more to come
  • Added numerous tarpaulins and crew stowage 
  • Added an initial layer of sandbag armour, more to come on this front, stalled until the dischargers are complete
  • Distressed and removed track guards 
So very much a work in progress and a "flavour" of things to come at this stage


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Saturday 7 January 2017

Tinkering with..... S&S Models 15mm Ural Radio Trucks


Slowly getting back into the detailing after the Xmas break, tinkering with the new 15mm S&S Models Ural truck Radio / Office body for the zvedza Ural truck.


Speaking with Shaun the body has been designed to be deliberately generic, there are multitudes of real world options it would keep him busy for at least a year.

Strictly zvedza truck is slightly late for the October War project, so am battling with my inner rivet counter  whether to use it or not ( will try the body on a QRF Zil at some point ...) , however it will fit in nicely for my Iran Iraq project. 

I've decided to build one "as it comes" from S&S !(the one with the lime green cast) and the other two I have modified the rear doors to depict versions with a rear wheel stowage.

I anticipate modelling a large radar array on one, and I expect a radio mast on the other. 
As you can see I've opened up the cabs on the zvedza trucks, moderate work and I may well regret this later when I have to glaze them! 


Anyway just a sort intro into the build..... 

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