Friday, 27 May 2016

15mm USA Walkers - Clockwork Goblin



 Two USA Walker Mech's! finally finished.....


I'm still on a 15mm "What-if" roll, this time with some modified Clockworkgoblin US Mech "Walkers"
 These are lovely two piece casts, and so open to modifying. Ive only done minor mods with some subtle stowage and converted crew figures ( peter pig and skytrex)

This is Ursus support walker, I think the "stars and stripes" add a nice touch, these are repurposed 28mm paratrooper decals.

I've used micro magnets to hold the body and leg sections together, this has the added advantage of being able to traverse the body slightly.
As always, loads more picture up in the usual place on flickr:
and there's email alert functionality to the right ------>>>>
 Earlier WIP blog post:
I've had my fun so these are up for sale, POA or offers to :


  1. These look awesome, great work !

  2. I like the looks of those. They seem big enough to work for 1/72 scale as well. Too bad the weapon mounts aren't available separately.

  3. Good observation, they are boxed up ready to go to their new home so I can't measure them for you, but I would agree they would work with 20mm. The arms are modelled in one piece so yes, no swap out weapon options.


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