Saturday, 18 October 2014

15mm MT55 Bridgelayer

Been busy this afternoon with a bit of a side project! I'm currently building up forces for the Yom Kippur war and needed a few MT55 for the Valley of Tears scenario.. Anyway not being one available in 15mm I had a chat with Shaun at S&S models to see if he could help. Essentially I am building a modification to a Khurasan t55 ( should also work on the Battlefront version), shaun will hopefully run the casts off.

Here is the MT55 will two loose bridging section and the start of the front arm assembly 

Side view it get the angles right. I plan to have the bridges cast as shown and also deployed, but only have the two at the moment

Here's most of the work completed today. The main hull top is a place on piece, you will just need to shave off the existing drivers hatch.

Still a few bits of detail to add on the hull but the big bits are done. 

Am now puzzling with making the extension arms and rams moveable, but will probably end up with just a stowed position for now, to make the bits work for a deployed bridge is possible but is probably beyond what most people want from a conversion, espeacially in 15mm.

Comments welcome


  1. Nice work on the bridge layer. I put my Yom Kupper vehicles on the back burner so to speak.

  2. I have decided to "resurrect" my AIW to stop me buying Chieftains for Iran/Iraq, this way my Syrians can double as Iraqi's

  3. Great Model - but did the Syrians use the MT-55 on the Golan in '73?

    All the pictures of the bridges across the Purple line anti tank ditch show MTU-55 bridges. Might be worth checking out?
