Monday, 28 October 2013

Tinkering with....Clockwork Goblin Minis - Panzer '46 Mecha/Walker type thingies

Been playing a bit.... in amongst the Paper Panzers I thought I'd add some offerings from Clockwork Goblin miniatures. I've added some stowage and Peter Pig crew to the two American walkers and some turret schurzen on the German walker. Not sure whether to base these or leave them free standing

Some more Paper Panzer tomorrow, Heer46 & Forged in Battle.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Italian AS 37 - In German Service

Interesting vehicle, all metal so I suspect its an Old Crouchie ex-chieftan ex-BEF models kit. Painted as part of an requisitioned Italian/German commission.

There is a fully painted german driver in there!

More pictures on my flickr:


Thursday, 24 October 2013

Morris C8 2 pdr Portee

Its seems interest in the North African campaign has been reinvigorated recently ( I expect largely due to the Perry's) so this paint for Company B is quite topical.

It is a Morris 2 pdr Portee as used by Armoured Divisions in North Africa. I originally wanted to do a snazzy Caunter scheme in line with the recent Perry Universal Carrier build, but there wasn't the evidence supporting this as a legitimate scheme for them. This meant a rather plane faded yellow scheme, however I didn't wanted a British "Dunkelgelb" so decided to go for heavy wear and tear and fading.

I'm really happy with the result on this interestingly little vehicle.

As always more pictures on my flickr

I have a flurry of finished, and finishing, projects over the next couple of weeks which I will post here as I have time, please subscribe to email updates if you'd like to keep pace with the eye candy.



Monday, 21 October 2013

Tinkering with ---- Heer46 Coelian turret & PSC Panther

Interesting new project on the horizon, some Paper Panzers/ 1946 in 15mm. In preparation I thought I'd dig out a Heer46 Coelian turret I had waiting around and marry it with a PSC Hull.

With the '46 stuff I get some latitude both in build and paint so I did the following mods for starters:

a) Re-cut turret ring to accept the Coelian turret
b) Drilled out the commands hatch
c) Added turret and glassis plate grab rails ( some precedence for this I have seen these as a field mod on a bergepanther
d) Added two spare barrels on the engine deck.


Post Note: I'm really, really, impressed with the quality of the PSC kits, outstanding and excellent post service as well. I have some M5 halftracks which I will convert in IDF variants for Yom Kippur and Shermans and Stuarts for a Normandy project. I whole-heartedly recommend them 100%

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Tinkering with.... Warlord's Daimler ==> Sawn-off Daimler - update

This is a conversion I've wanted to do for a while but not had the master to convert! So when I saw this was available in a recent newsletter I got two. The conversion reflects modifications done to some Daimlers operating with the Inns of Court and known as sawn off Daimlers.

The mudguards were shaved off and the area smoothed up and cleaned. The hull was turned over, centre was found and I used various drill bits to take out the hollow core. I didn't have the time to do a full refurb inside the Daimler so I took the approach that the crew figures will conceal what isn't there!

A turret ring was cut out of plasticard and the hole in the bottom sealed over. Some aerial mountings were added and drilled to accept removable aerials ( essential for packing in the post).

Then its just the usual stowage and tarps.

All in all a relatively simple mod, I'll probably add some minor tweaks, maybe some brackets, an aerial point on the Daimler and some securing straps but then it will be off to the shed for undercoating.

As an aside the Italian front commission is complete ( Semoventees, Panzer IV, Stug III, Sdkfz 222 and an Italian truck), also some Company B Recce Stuarts and Tilly, and the Warlord Kangaroo, so I expect to upload some finished pics to flickr tonight.



Looked into the Mk 1 a bit more and redid the turret hatch, added the two aerial points, jack, shovel, additional stowage and stowage rack, as well as webbing straps ( on both)


Sunday, 29 September 2013

Tinkering with.....Warlord's A9 & A10



These two have been lurking at the back of the workbench for a while, but now I've had chance to get them to the undercoat stage.

There are some mods to these:

a) Replace all handles with metal rods
b) Trim detail on track guards
c) Opened up turret and fabricated new hatches
d) Assorted stowage... something I've noticed generally is that an army on the move stows up, even the Brits. So assuming an army in retreat have added some add hoc bags and tarps.

The eagle eyed of you may notice the "mud" mix already added. I do an initial mix and apply before the track sections go one, this stands me in good stead for building up the texturing later on.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Jagdpanzer IV

Two examples of Warlords 1/56 Jagdpanzer IV, both displaying two different styles of the late war disc camouflage.  Warlord have also produced a new Pzr IV track set for this release, IMO, much better than the existing standard "Pzr IV", so much so that I have utilised a set on a PZr V going
 through at the moment. Nice little kit this one, so much so that i'm doing an additional one with
THOMA mesh skirting. 


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Tinkering with... Sdkfz 251/17 - revisited

Its been a while, been busy with work and not so much play, loads uploaded into my flickr gallery nothing much here. Hopefully I can reset the balance.

The conversion of Warlords 251/c into the /17 has progressed, I have added the long awaited mesh treadplate, added some rifle racks, shell case cage and some odds and sods and ta da.....


finished tinkering for now, its now in the shed being undercoated, next decision panzer grey or dunkelgelb?