Sunday, 20 October 2013

Tinkering with.... Warlord's Daimler ==> Sawn-off Daimler - update

This is a conversion I've wanted to do for a while but not had the master to convert! So when I saw this was available in a recent newsletter I got two. The conversion reflects modifications done to some Daimlers operating with the Inns of Court and known as sawn off Daimlers.

The mudguards were shaved off and the area smoothed up and cleaned. The hull was turned over, centre was found and I used various drill bits to take out the hollow core. I didn't have the time to do a full refurb inside the Daimler so I took the approach that the crew figures will conceal what isn't there!

A turret ring was cut out of plasticard and the hole in the bottom sealed over. Some aerial mountings were added and drilled to accept removable aerials ( essential for packing in the post).

Then its just the usual stowage and tarps.

All in all a relatively simple mod, I'll probably add some minor tweaks, maybe some brackets, an aerial point on the Daimler and some securing straps but then it will be off to the shed for undercoating.

As an aside the Italian front commission is complete ( Semoventees, Panzer IV, Stug III, Sdkfz 222 and an Italian truck), also some Company B Recce Stuarts and Tilly, and the Warlord Kangaroo, so I expect to upload some finished pics to flickr tonight.



Looked into the Mk 1 a bit more and redid the turret hatch, added the two aerial points, jack, shovel, additional stowage and stowage rack, as well as webbing straps ( on both)


1 comment:

  1. Lovely!

    Never Heard- of this field modification,but I like it! I guess I shally copy this!
