Wednesday, 20 July 2011

2nd Panzer Div, Ardennes (in 15mm)

Half of a commission here, bit of a mixture of manufacturers, Peter Pig ( Panthers),  8 Rads, Horches, Demags ( CD/Skytrex) and Kerr&King 251's with BF crews.


  1. Those are brilliant! Could I persuade you to say a few words about how you did the windows on the Horchs?

  2. certainly, nothing special used, simple black background, steel grey insert, lighten with flesh ( not white) water down and apply slight wash to top left or top right corners, then along the bottom to simulate dust. I then apply a second dust layer, and just miss out the wiper bits on the windscreen. There is more you can do, but that was all for these. I've seen the horizon techniques and blue background but these fall into the cartoony categories which doesn't fit with my style, but is an equally valid approach, and arguably probably will show up better on the table.

  3. Great looking set of vehicles, really nicely painted.

  4. Watered-down flesh to simulate dust, did I get that right? Or do you use flesh to lighten the mix with the grey?

  5. flesh to lighten the grey, it works better than white.Dust can be any colour, accordinging to your weathering regime.

  6. I really enjoy viewing your paint-work, Sir. You've quite a talent.

  7. Lovely work, would you mind sharing how you made the 'star-antenna' on the Panther pleasE?

  8. These were a while ago, but they would have been made out of brass rod, bend the top at an angle to give the base of the star the progressively add the extra arms.
