Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Warlord's STuG III

Another one off to the Warlord Emporium. As usual with their display vehicles, it is built as it comes, no mods or additions. Another nice and robust kit, consists of Hull, track sections and schurzen plus barrel and odds and sods in metal.  Only minor quibble is there is no MG shield.  All locate positively with each other and make up a nice little kit with very little assembly or cleaning up. I must commend Warlord with all their recent releases, in that, for the track sections, extra locating points have been added so the tracks sit where they should be, to be fair JTFM are very good at this as well, but with some other manufacturers' kits it can be hit and miss putting on the track sections. It also makes a more robust kit, after all these are gaming pieces.


I have a section of these coming through (just waiting on clearing some other commissions first though) so I can't wait to start piling on stowage and distressing the schurzen! As an interesting aside I have three AGN Stug III (paint alongs) that have been sidelined for a while, maybe I'll finish them all together?

If anyone is wondering why the hull camouflage style doesn't match the schurzen, its inspiration is taken from the Firefly Collection "Panzers in the Bocage" book, an excellent resource.

I have the Warlord Quad and 25 pdr coming through, with an additional "mod'd" one by me with crew, so watch this space. (Panthers behind that.....)

Finally, is there value in me posting pictures of the kits as they come unassembled? My focus is the finished article but interested in thoughts.


  1. It looks just great! I own a few Warlord vehicles and I think they are pretty darn nice.


  2. That looks great- fantastic!

  3. Your painting skills are truly impressive.

  4. Just an awesome paint job Troop

  5. I am really very Impressed with your unique painting art. I like your wonderful Painting skill which you shared over here. Keep it up!
