Wednesday, 20 April 2011

"Ruckmarsch" Sdkfz 251/D

I always enjoy a change from the norm, and this beauty from Bolt Action /Warlord Games pleased me no end. It is the BAM 251/D but with some well thought out and nicely sculpted battle damage (nice one Olaf). It depicts a vehicle hit several times, i assume low calibre, and then rifled by advancing troops. It comes as a two piece sculpt (Upper Chassis and Wheels and tracks base) and as you see it (but unpainted of course!) As usual with the BAM display models, nothing added by me bar the paper flotsam.

I've painted this generically, with no div marking or three digit ID, but just as common only the number plates and weight stencil (Archer). For the keen eyes amongst you, you will notice the SS number plate and therefore I've painted the draped canvas as belted up SS zeltbahn, distinctly different from the Wehrmacht cousins.

Click on the images for "full fat" or for more candy check the galleries link:

1 comment:

  1. Nice paint-job on what I wrecked, Neil! I wish I had a fraction of your talent for painting.
