Saturday, 8 March 2008

Almost There....

Been a slow start to the new year, although I'm now finally clearing some major backlogs. Finishing this weekend are 15mm FOW, 28mm German 12 SS Normandy and 28mm British Normandy. Pics of the following available in the Photo Album ( link above)
  • 15mm Battlefront- Panthers, Stugs, Horch, Kubels, Opel Blitz, Sdkfz 11
  • 28mm Bolt Action - Sdkfz 251 ( Engineer, Stummel, Platoon Command), Sdkfz 250 ( destroyed, troop carrier, 20mm), AEC Armoured car, 222 Armoured car.
  • 28mm Company B- Kubels
  • 28mm Westwind - Wirbelwind

1 comment:

  1. They look really good--But the photos on TMP look really 'Limey' I was just wondering why that was...
