Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Tinkering with 234/3

Love the 8-Rad, have been working on a /2 and /3, pictures of the /3 here. Warlord kit with rubicon short 7.5cm, really like this little chap!

Will also be building/converting the /4 with pak 40 and  the /3 but with the schwebelafette turret, which should be the bees knees! Anyway, the “standard”/3 for now...

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Tinkering with... Mobelwagen

 Struggling getting stuff out at the moment, lots of external pressures, very close are the following:

A) Churchill AVRE with SBG

B) LVT waterlined for Indochina

C) Kangaroos and crew

D) LVT4’s and crew 

This one has been sitting around for over a year, so having no painting mo-jo put some hours in to finish up. Both base kits are Rubicon, with the extra detail track set. 

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


 Vanilla Rubicon kit with additional crew. Painted up for Mike Andress's auction.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Tinkering with... T34T (ARV) [part III]

No apologies, more of the T34 T “Tyagach”, as correctly highlighted. Build complete now, off for priming, if anything shows the work involved and stages.

a) tarpaulins game added out of procreate/milliput
b) two types of tow cable added from twisted wire
c) engine cover grab handle added, with other odd detailing
d) foundation layer of mud
e) bashed the front track guards to reflect heavy use.

The hull is still in two, I can’t glue together until the driver is painted and stuck in place.

Three stage priming and foundation coats next prior to base coat. If interested will try and document as I go.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Tinkering with... T34 ARV part II

Well, who would have thought, this ginger stepchild of a build has quite won my affectations! I am really liking how this one is developing, and its the right amount of detail I can accommodate over the COVID lunchtimes at home. I will lighten up on the warlord sculpt, it is designed as a gaming model and is fine as such, so my criticisms are from a modelling and accuracy point of view. It’s a case of, “well, if it were me  I wouldn’t have started from here “ response!

Anyways, suitable disguised it’s looking much better, although still not finished but it’s certainly  getting there; so what have I done...

a) crew x3, warlord chap hidden in the hull and the two visible crew are Rubicon with arms sourced from spares, milliput-ed and fettled a bit to imply an interaction, clearly indicating positioning to tow hopefully. This is key to a good model as far as I’m concerned, and I see my stuff as models used for gaming.
B) rear deck detailing, scribed the missing engine cover details, added hinges and a rear access hatch obtained from a Rubicon rear end. Added various missing rivets and so forth.
C) stowage, still a work in progress, gearing up for the tarp work.
D) tow cables, crucial for this build! Made from stranded wire.
E) turret plate detailing, scribed armour plate lines , various ingress and  egress points, totally missing from the warlord hull! Going for a mid production ‘42 Factory 183 hull so no crew handles, straight armour joint and offset  circular rear hatch.

Now needs a cleanup, extra stowage and tarpaulins and it’s off to the paint box!