Sunday, 31 July 2016

1/2400 Sea Bases - a change of tack!

Every now and again, we need a break from the norm, both to reinvigorate hobby interest and for me, to provide a challenge. To this end I have been researching the naval aspects of Russo Japanese War, well out of my comfort zone. 

I quickly established a scale and a manufacturer, primarily the excellent range from the War Times Journal (WTJ). So, whilst waiting on a first order, I started pondering on bases....

I was keen to try something new, and came across some examples of textured acrylic bases, clear enough so that a printed sea scape would provide a level of depth an aesthetic appeal.

So, with some clear acrylic, I started experimenting. I decided to use liquitex clear acrylic gel which would give enough substance to artifice a wave effect. This was achieved easily (third from left above), so then i explored some colour options ( left to right above):

a) Light blue wash over liquitex
b) Light blue wash on acrylic base prior to liquitex being applied
c) Liquitex, uncoloured
d) Full colour wave effect painted prior to liquitex.

I quickly discarded d) whilst providing a great effect, I felt it would contrast with the seascape unless i got the colouring just right, it also negated clear acrylic, I tell you why in a bit....

In the meantime, the excellent prints from WTJ turned up, I was astounded, I'm not sure of the technical printing spec but these were the best prints I have seen, and with undercuts. From the photo above I had rounded my preference to a) and b), with the "under wash" winning out ( left above).

Bear in mind I haven't sculpted wakes, wash or painted the wave tops ( white horses!)

So, alongside the texturing, I was in extended dialogue ( email) with Diane form Warbases with regards to etching ship names on acrylic bases. Diane and Martin accommodated my requests, and produced an initial set of RJW ship names for me ( many thanks!). These are shown above, with random prints placed on at this stage.

Interested in comments or opinions, these will progress alongside some outstanding commissions, so posts may be sporadic... a couple of challenges to resolve:

a) Brass soldering for masts
b) Rigging ( i know, i know, but I have to try...)

I now have to shelve these for a few weeks whilst I finish an eclectic set of:

1) 28mm MRAP -oshkosh
2) 15mm Panzer46
3) 28mm France 1940