Friday, 22 April 2016

15mm "1946" American Heavies and Super Heavies - Khurasan & Heer46 [SALE]

More wonderfull "what-if" 1946+, this time a little more grounded in realism. This little lot is the T34 (conjectural M34 "Taylor") for Khurasan and the super heavy T28 from Heer 46. I've used primarily Peter Pig crew figs, although there's a converted skytrex 30 cal gunner with a headswap in there somewhere. I've also added odd stowage and tarps ect to add some character.

I'm superly impressed with this bunch, the allied green has came out just as envisaged, with a level of weathering appropriate and in context. These ( along with some super detailed Pershings) are FOR SALE, I've had my fun, and i'm really pleased with the result. 

So POA -
 neil"at" ( you'll need to change the "at")

  I've mod'd the gunner on the T28 and added so super fine aerial tie-downs ( from ship rigging material)

Two M34/T34's and one T28, both M34/T34's all three have crew.

I've rendered the images "full fat" here, to show the detail, remember these are 15mm so at this level the odd bit of sprurious fluff and cat fur can creep in !

I think this shot (above) is my favourite, all the techniques have came together and it just "works"
 Subtle stowage can add character but still be unobtrusive.
Last shot of all three. As always there are more pictures in my flickr portfolio, best get a cup of coffee and set to slideshow......

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Thursday, 21 April 2016

15mm Heer46/Luftwaffe46 - Grav Tanks (Ravenstar Studios)

Interesting use of sc-fi genre here, all down to the customer, inspired!  Here we have three Ravenstar Studio Mercury class fast grav tanks, repurposed in a Heer46 or is it Luftwaffe46? "What-if" role.

I've tried to emulate a combination of the Luftwaffe splinter and mottle edged camouflage style with some light chipping through to aluminium.

All three are on detachable home made bases, 5mm clear acrylic rod on pre-cut MDF bases, so they raise the sculpts about 11/2 inches off the ground.

As always more pictures up on my flickr:

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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

15mm E-50 Section (Heer46)

Back to Heer46 this morning. Two E-50's with some minor mods, and yes the obligatory "red oxide" panel so often loved of the Paper Panzer Brigade, I may do some more un-primed panels on some Panther II's, but lets see.

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Monday, 4 April 2016

15mm E-100 Twin 88mm Turret (Forged in Battle)

One of my favourites of this first batch, this is the Forged in Battle (FIB) E-100 with twin 8.8cm turret. Again no major mods from me, apart from belt sanding off the integral base, just paint after that!


More goodies on my flickr:

Saturday, 2 April 2016

15mm E-75 (Heer46)

More paper panzer goodness from heer46, this time two E-75. Only minor mods from me, have removed the tracks guards on both as I prefer the look, also removed all fixings from the chassis on one to make some clean sides.
 As always loads more pictures up online on my flickr: