Sunday, 12 July 2015

Arab Israeli - Yom Kippur - developments

Been quiet for a while, trying to balance a new job, real life and  commissions, I'm not on top of things but it's getting better.

This is just a post to show some random developments, firstly an Urdan Coupola for my M48's. These will be off to S&S models this week to add to their rapidly developing 15mm range, heavily influenced by what I need for '73 :o)

Also working on some M109 vignettes, this is a test piece and needs more detailing. Each vehicle will have an accompanying M548 with more of the ammunition stacks and I'm working on some shells on ready use crates. Figures are BF Vietnam and chassis is QRF

And finally a teaser on my Egyptian air defence, a lot more work to do on these but you get the picture.

The MT55 is complete and available from S&S models, am currently finalising the M50 Hvss spg as the BF is the '67 version. Probably later in the year will see the Gilllois ferry, both water line and on road and the MTU20 Avlb. 

I've made some decisions and have decided to focus on the Sinai for starters and to base my vehicles. I'm opting on mdf bases from warbases. 

I'm slightly out of my comfort area but also working on Skyhawks, MIG 21's, 19 and 17's

These are stripped 1/100 diecasts, I'm working on weapon loads and am converting pilots out of BF and Peter Pig tanks commanders. This will go on magnetic flight stands.

The MIGs are plastic kits.

Some may find my starting points for my armies as strange (Avlb, artillery parks, air defence and planes!) But rest assured the M50's, Centurions, M60s and M48s will all come in time......