Thursday, 8 May 2014

Tinkering with... HLBS SAS Pink Panther

Had this one around for a while, starting with a "fit it in as and when" is probably not a good start for it, certainly with my schedule! 

This one is badged at 1/48, all white metal and consequentially needing some cleaning up and filling to fit. I couldn't find the gpmg mount so knocked one up. I couldn't reconcile the co-driver with the gpmg butt so ended up amalgamating under the chaps arm. Added some green stuff for flavour, but otherwise fairly standard.

This one is for Bill's Workbench at "The Miniatures Page" and I believe it is now OOP, or at least I couldn't find it on the website!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tinkering with... Warlords Universal Carriers

Finally got round to finishing the build on the universal carrier section. Shaun from S&S models helped out with the missing ladder on the AOP carrier and the stylmaster order of green stuff arrived! 

There are four carriers, all warlord, mortar, AOP conversion, HMG and standard. Added some A&B putty tarpaulins which will have the air recognition allied stars applied once I've added some colour.

These will be off to the shed tonight for final priming, along with some BMP-1's to add to the Shilka set.


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Flakpanther "Coelian"

I had been waiting for this one for a while, with Warlord stepping into the Paper Panzer domain I finally get to try out some snazzy masking schemes. I deliberately stayed away from the in-vogue ubiquitous red panel "patchwork quilt" approach (but reserve the right for experimenting down the line!)

I'm sure I saw an IR Panther previewed somewhere, now that and a UHU would be something special....
 This is quite a deceptively large vehicle, and with the cannons would inject some "fun" on the table.

Interestingly, I seem to be conducting a mini-me approach with some batches coming through at the moment. I have raft of lovely 15mm HEER46 goodness with some clockwork goblin and FIB vehicles thrown in, so there are 15mm versions coming through. I am finding accurate renditions of the '46 camo schemes a challenge, and as nothing goes out unless I'm happy, have some restarts, will be worth it in the end. Oh and whilst i'm on accurate renditions, work on a 15mm Ardennes BG is coming on, now armed with the third "Duel in Mist" book ( although sadly no colour pics in this one!)

As alway loads of pictures in the flickr gallery and there's a handy subscribe link to the side ---->

Friday, 2 May 2014

1/56 Jagdpanther - Warlord Games- needs new home!

Every now and again, I have a pleasant surprise, a paint-along that emerges in and amongst the commissions. I fail to recall when  I started this one, but it was certainly a while back.  I haven't really modified this one much, so its a fairly standard build, I've added one of my stand-in "stock" Tank Commanders to add a splash of colour.

I've replicated a later war scheme, no markings and taken the liberty of applying some heavy field weathering.

 As always loads of full fat pictures on my flickr, of this and some newer work, as well as the extensive archive:

 (my stock budget just took a massive  ebay hit with a load of Thunder Run goodies.....)


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Sd.Kfz. 251/22 - "Vanilla" straight as it comes!

Thought I'd add some colour as a change from the previous posts. So here's a quick snapshot of a vehicle I completed for Warlord Games' display set a few weeks ago. As you may be aware the Warlord display stuff is a "tinker free zone" for me, I am allowed to add windows on trucks but thats about it! so this is a vanilla kit built as intended. It comes with crew, but my figure style is different to their talented in-house painter Andres so I just concentrate on the armour!

I went for a later war scheme on this, leaving the Pak 40 in dunkelgelb hopefully indicating the merging of the outputs from two different workshops. I've battered it around a bit to give it a bit of interest, but nothing too serious.

As always more full fat pictures in my gallery, and there are a few of these with the full "Troop of Shewe" treatment, and crew! around there somewhere :o)

I'll be unashamedly be promoting my FOR SALE Jagdpanther next, kids need new shoes and all that......