Sunday, 29 September 2013

Tinkering with.....Warlord's A9 & A10



These two have been lurking at the back of the workbench for a while, but now I've had chance to get them to the undercoat stage.

There are some mods to these:

a) Replace all handles with metal rods
b) Trim detail on track guards
c) Opened up turret and fabricated new hatches
d) Assorted stowage... something I've noticed generally is that an army on the move stows up, even the Brits. So assuming an army in retreat have added some add hoc bags and tarps.

The eagle eyed of you may notice the "mud" mix already added. I do an initial mix and apply before the track sections go one, this stands me in good stead for building up the texturing later on.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Jagdpanzer IV

Two examples of Warlords 1/56 Jagdpanzer IV, both displaying two different styles of the late war disc camouflage.  Warlord have also produced a new Pzr IV track set for this release, IMO, much better than the existing standard "Pzr IV", so much so that I have utilised a set on a PZr V going
 through at the moment. Nice little kit this one, so much so that i'm doing an additional one with
THOMA mesh skirting. 


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Tinkering with... Sdkfz 251/17 - revisited

Its been a while, been busy with work and not so much play, loads uploaded into my flickr gallery nothing much here. Hopefully I can reset the balance.

The conversion of Warlords 251/c into the /17 has progressed, I have added the long awaited mesh treadplate, added some rifle racks, shell case cage and some odds and sods and ta da.....


finished tinkering for now, its now in the shed being undercoated, next decision panzer grey or dunkelgelb?