Monday, 31 December 2012

Snow Effects - Battlefront Germans

Really happy with how these came out, spent a little bit more time and I think it paid off. 2013 will see a lot more 15mm from me, Normandy and Arab-Israeli for Yom Kippur, both projects for me!

These little chaps are BF with a few Peter Pig thrown in, snow is Bi-carbonate of soda and PVA - simples!

As always full pictures on my flickr :

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Normandy Vignettes

Three 20mm Vignettes. These use Milicast vehicles, AB figures and The Kings Armourer bases.  I'm happy with the results, but this one took an age to finish, the vehicles were particularly fiddly and would swap out with Dragon kits where available. As always there are a few areas I can improve on, but thats for the next set. Everything is pinned to the bases so they just about survived their trip to Australia.
Currently working on that Large 28mm Noramndy Commission in time for Salute, its looking impressive so far!
As always full pictures on my flickr :