Saturday, 24 September 2011

Normandy Tetrarch -1/56 - Warlord Games

Tonight a welcome change from Dunkelgelb, British O.D in the guise of a Normandy Tetrarch.
Another popular kit from Warlord, and i'm sure i've painted more than actually saw any action. This one however, has the correct AoS marking (Its amazing what details reveal themselves once you've finished painting). Minor mods on this one, tarps and towing wire, and a commanders bren gun on the side of the turret. The track sections have been moulded in a way that facilitates removing the spaces between the road wheels, which is worthwhile doing. Maybe the next one i'll get to "open up".

Still have 28mm and 20mm stuff up on ebay, check out the link to the top right >>>>>>>

Friday, 23 September 2011

12 SS Panzer IV - 1/56th -

First pictures up out of a large split commission depicting AFVs of the 12SS, specifically for Normandy onwards. This is a JTFM Panzer IV, with a Warlord TC head and various stowage, stock and green stuff.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Panzer II Ausf. L "Luchs" - another cutie!

Another of my favs from JTFM. I have completed a couple of these to date, and i'm sure i'll do more.

It would seem the Aufklärungs guys get all the good looking toys, only thing is, I cant decide which I prefer this or the 8-RAD 234/1 or /2! but those pics are for later.

I have taken the weathering stages to the next step on these few commissions, not always apparent from the pictures but the recipients notice! I have slightly modified the basic kit with addition of Jerry can support brackets which are seen on a fair few of the examples. The TC is the Warlord "Herr Grabner" figure which suits the vehicle to a "T". And just for Jeff, the ubiquitous bucket/pail hanging off the rear (my all round favourite bit of stowage, until someone does a bicycle that is.....)

As always click on the pictures for full fat, I think you get a slideshow now with blogger, but if you click on the link in the bottom corner you get the original image. Alternatively, grab a coffee and go to my flickr gallery,  it most be the most comprehensive painbted AFV gallery on the web.

BTW some bits and bobs up on ebay, need some space and its about time I fed the kids.........

Sunday, 18 September 2011

251 Platoon "in action"

Quite rare, these days, for me to show pictures of painted examples of my work actually on a gaming table! In the main, the last I see of them is when they are boxed up ready to ship off to the four corners. However, i'm pleased to announce that Neil Tew is busy managing a showcase standard demonstration game, incorporating my work on the AFVs, Toby at Artmaster studios on the figures and Dave at TM terrain, for not surprisingly the terrain! Whilst this is very much a WIP at the moment, Neil has sent me some quick shots of a game he had this weekend. Not the best quality pics (not my fault this time!), but enough to give a taster of things to come......

Pictures of the 251's can be seen in my flickr gallery, but will be the subject of a post in the near future.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Normandy Staghound - 1/56th- JTFM

JTFM Staghound, painted for Normandy. Lovely kit this one, two crew figures and additional stowage come with the kit. Note i have added additional stowage so not an exact representation. Decals form DOM's Decals IIRC.

Not quite got the hang of the new camera, so contrast is a bit iffy.

As always, click on the pictures for full fat, more pictures in my extensive Flickr gallery.

WIP Shot, not quite finished

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Sdkfz 250/1 "Neu", Sdkfz 250/9 "Alte"

Two 20mm MMS Sdkfz 250's, therefore base kist are metal and nice and robust for the gaming table. These two are painted in a late war hard edge scheme, suitable for Normandy to the Rhine.