Thursday, 5 February 2009

More JTFM Panthers and Panzer IVs

Ok guys and girls, I'm beginning to loose count of the numbers of each of these little beauties I've done, I'm sure Jeff T can build a nice extension to his log cabin with the sales just of these two. Anyway, thought I'd try a little different camo on each than normal. Am particularly pleased with the Panthers, they look Kursk-ish ( yes i know they're late war!). In this case i have used Archer rub down transfers which are simply superb, fiddly but superb. Of note whereas the VVV crosses ( and all waterslide decals) work better on a gloss finish, the Archer work better on a Matt finish, so a little more planning and prep is needed. The 251 is Bolt Action/Warlord and part of a separate commission. Having issues with lighting again, there are two different styles here, let me know which people prefer on the web and i'll know next time.
Getting my skates on now for Salute, some 11hr painting with Six Company B IJA Type 89's winging there way over the Atlantic for my Salute demo, also some advance Bolt Action/Warlord Shermans for Chris Thompsons demo, two vignettes for Outpost, alongside 6ft of Nomonhan Terrain to finish!
As an appetizer i also have some lovely 1/48 kits just in, now these are gonna be special, but under wraps for now!
As always full sizes pictures in my flickr galleries.
- early evening update, I now have six Japanese imports! Type 89's courtesy of Brent and Bruce at Company B (and Jeff at JTFM), currently scrubbing the resin prior to primeing tomorrow, will keep you posted......