Sunday, 31 August 2008


Off to Brent at Company B, this lovely little cast, all available from Brent. Certainly the best "28mm" Kuble i've made and the "crew" fit lovely, which makes a change ;o)

Wild Faeries!!!!

Ok, a change for me this time. Two sculpts bought on a whim from Eureka Miniatures Avalons Burning range. I had fun painting these, trying for a forest theme with autuman hair colourings and deep shading the skin green. The bases are from the excellent back2basix range, which i thoroughly recommend. These little sprites look great in the flesh, although as you can see i had several problems with the photography. These are now on ebay, should be easy to find.

Charlie Company

Lots completed this month, check the flickr folders for full details. Particularily impressed with "Charlie Company", consisting of BAM M3s and M8s, suitabley updetailed.